When you own a retail store either it’s an exclusive clothing store or a general product store, one important thing you’ll want to focus on is merchandising. Merchandising is a marketing tool and it refers to the act of promoting the sale of goods using various methods within a retail store.
Essentially, your retail store and specifically your retail space has to be your main productive and effective sales agent. How you go about defining and optimizing your retail space will greatly influence consumer foot traffic and overall sales of your products. Visual merchandising is one of the metrics that can substantially improve sales in your store only if done right. This sale metric combines various retail display ideas that gives your retail space an appealing look and further lure customers in to make a purchase.
While thinking to adopt some creative retail display ideas, it’s important to note that the aspect of visual merchandising constitutes a lot of display fixtures, store signage you put up the windows and a whole lot more. In fact, it is believed that full priced merchandise perform 18% better with signage than those without. For this reason, it is important to create effective retail displays in your store that not only draws shopper’s attention, but persuade them to actually walk out of the store with an item or two.
Here are retail display ideas you can make use of in your merchandising campaign.
Apparel and Clothing Displays
In merchandising outfits and other related products, there are a variety of apparel displays creatively designed to showcase your cloth products and highlight areas of your store. An example of this effective store fixture is the clothing rack. This fixture display clothes and other apparel in the best way possible for maximum customer visibility. They come in different designs for specific merchandising need and depending on your store space, you can either choose the round racks that minimize on floor space, while treating customers to a neatly arranged display. Or, you can go with rolling racks that are offer maximum mobility around your store.
The use of fashion forms and mannequins serves as brilliant retail display ideas that go a long way in creating instant purchase decision on most consumers. Mannequins come in two types, plastic and fiberglass finish, and depending on your retail display need, you can showcase apparels for both males and females as well as kids.
Hangers are another display option you can try to get the most out of your retail spaces. They are easy to use and although they are limited to one apparel per hanger, hangers serve as great retail displays for various kind of clothes.
Display Racks, Stands, Panels and Shelving
Most retail products get merchandised using these type of displays. Shelves and display stands are an effective merchandising solution for any retail space. They are built with heavy-duty materials and they feature different finishing options. Shelving is a popular mode of displaying products since they are designed to support a variety of items. Display racks and panels are commonly used in grocery stores, pharmacy, liquor store among other fast moving goods stores. If you are looking for something durable that offer long merchandising service, try steel shelving as they are able to support loads of different weight.
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