8 Tricks to Getting Approved for Social Security

To get approved for social security disability, there are a number of requirements that you need to meet. These are some of the tricks to help increased your chances of approval, as explained by a social security disability attorney.

1. Judges expect to see a comprehensive unbroken medical record.

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Your medical records should not have gaps of months where you have never gone to the doctor.

2. The medical condition should be based on a firm diagnosis

3. You must have been diagnosed by a physician or other qualified health care professional

4. The doctor that has examined you should be willing to testify about your condition in court.

5. Your condition should be severe enough that it prevents you from working at any job

6. If your condition is expected to last less than one year, you may still qualify for benefits, but you would have to prove that your condition was expected to last longer than 12 months.

7. The medical condition must prevent you from performing any substantial gainful activity.

8. It is possible to recover from certain conditions. However, if your condition returns after you stop receiving benefits, you will lose all of your previous payments.

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